Condamine River, Pratten, 24/06/12

We all ventured back to Pratten in South-East Queensland in search of not only a good fishing spot, but a good birdwatching spot also, after Brendon's successfull bird watching experience the week prior in a closeby location.  This occasion saw us stop at a beautiful spot on the Condamine River and while the fishing was next to non-existant, the bird watching did not dissapoint.  My photos of the Red Winged Parrots were no where near as clear as the ones Brendon took the previous visit so I have not added them to the blog today.  J.G.

Highlights from this early morning trip:

Golden-headed Cisticola
White Plumed Honeyeater
Rufous Whistler
Varied Sitella
Red Winged Parrots
Eastern Rosellas
Little Corellas
Sulphur Crested Cockatoos
Superb Blue Wrens


Golden-headed Cisticola

Varied Sitella

White Plumed Honeyeater

Sulphur Crested Cockatoo's

Condamine River
Condamine River

Condamine River, Pratten.

There were numerous old logs like this with native grasses growing out of them in the water.

Rufous Whistler

The kids spotted this bettle which is a "Nymph" Gum Tree Shield Bug

The kids also wanted me to take a picture of this little furry caterpillar they spotted on the grass
