Bluebonnet Parrots at Gowrie Junction - November 2007

This post of our Bluebonnet sighting was also missing from our blog somehow so I have copied my recording from the Toowoomba Bird Observers Forum at the time. The location was at Highfield Ridge Estate, Gowrie Junction, Qld.  This location is now (2013) predominantly housing where it was dry scrub and cattle grazing land.  These photos were taken on our first ever digital camera by Brendon - imagine how good they would have been today with the camera and lens we now have!  I also note that looking back on the photos taken on this day in 2007, there were also photos of juvenile masked lapwings and Australian Figbirds at the same location.  J & B.


PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:19 pm    Post subject: Blue Bonnet Parrots - Highfields / MeringandanReply with quote

Our most exciting record of a sighting yet! Last week, Brendon was working just out of Highfields in a new Estate when he saw and heard some brownish looking parrots flying overhead, he rang me and said tht he thought they might be Blue Bonnet's but didn't get a great look at them, so therefor just left it. On Sunday 4 November he went back to the site in the late afternoon to have a look around and sure enough spotted 8 Red Winged Blue Bonnet Parrots feeding on grass seeds in open paddocks and then moving to nearby trees. He rang me and I went to have a look for myself, an amazing sight of such beautiful birds, I was amazed at their size and the different sounds they make to other parrots. We took around 60 photographs for identification purposes and submitted a rare bird report first to make sure everything was correct.
