Australian Hobby at Nevilton Qld 22nd June 2013

While driving I spotted this Australian Hobby on the Power lines ahead.  After stopping and assembling the camera I took a few photos - most of all were blurry as the bird flew off in a hurry as soon as I emerged from the car. This photo is of when it landed again further along the power lines, only to be set-upon immediately by a magpie.  J.G.

Australian Hobby & Magpie


  1. Great capture. The magpie isn't alone - not many birds like the hobby. :)

    1. Thanks Vicki for your comments. They are beautiful birds an I hadn't seen one for a while!

  2. He's in the wrong neighborhood. I'm surprised there aren't a pair of shoes tied at the laces hanging over the power lines. I wonder what other types of territorial markings or displays birds use apart from aggressive visual displays and vocalising.

    1. Thanks for your message. This is actually taken in a rural farming area in Queensland Australia, so these birds are in the right area. I am unsure what you mean about territorial markings, but generally birds of prey will retreat when set upon by common birds like magpies and crows.

    2. I was confused with Anon's comment, too. We live in a rural farming area in Victoria and see a lot of Australian Hobbies here. No idea how the "pair of shoes tied at the laces hanging over the power lines" is related...


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