Nioka Park Highfields

Nioka Park at Highfields, is a very small bushland area that adjoins suburban development in the Kalimna Park Estate.  This area is a small section of remnant native vegetation, predominantly eucalyptus forest that was retained in 2005 thanks to John and Elizabeth McQueen, who ensured it's preservation for the Highfields community.

This park provides vital habitat for wildlife in the Highfields area, especially for wildlife using it as a corridor between the Charles and Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve and the outskirts of Highfields.

The park does not have any walking tracks through it, and has been left in it's natural state, it can be enjoyed by viewing it from the surrounding footpaths on Polzin Road or Nioka Drive. On this occasion I took a short walk through it and was pleasantly surprised to see two Red-necked Wallabies.  The park has quite a few small tree hollows that would no doubt be home to the local Sugar-Gliders.  It was unfortunate to see that this area has been used for a "dumping ground" and there was plenty of rubbish, especially builders rubble and house-hold rubbish within the park. Council has put up signs to deter illegal dumping of rubbish in this area, so hopefully this will help.

There were many beautiful species of native flora within the reserve and I look forward to visiting again in Spring when the wildflowers will be in bloom and the bird life will be more active.


Remnant Eucalyptus Forest at Nioka Park, Highfields 21/07/14

Signage at Nioka Park, Kalimna Park, Highfields, Qld. 

Pied Butcherbird (Cracticus nigrogularis) at Nioka Park, Highfields 21/07/2014

One of the beautiful large gum trees at Nioka Park, Highfields.

Flower of the Native Devil's Needles (Solanum stelligerum) Plant at Nioka Park, Highfields, 21/07/14

Flower and Berries on the native Devil's needles (Solanum stelligerum) at Nioka Park, 21/07/14

Medium-sized nesting hollow at Nioka Park, Highfields.

Common Spotted Ladybird (Harmonia conformis) on a Native Devils Needle Plant at Nioka Park, Highfields

Native Tape vine (Stephania japonica) at Nioka Park, Highfields, 21/07/14

Fruit of the Native "Coffee Bush" (Breynia oblongifolia) at Nioka Park, Highfields 21/07/14
