This beautiful native Red Darling Pea
(Swainsona queenslandica) was in bloom, whilst everything else was pretty much brown and dead during the drought at Pilton on the Darling downs, during our recent visit to a private property. The vibrant red flowers were just beautiful emerging from the black soil.
Darling Pea Flowers (Swainsona queenslandica) growing on the edge of a small dam at Pilton, Qld. |
Darling Pea Flowers (Swainsona queenslandica) |
I loved these large Yellow "Flat Billy-Buttons"
(Leiocarpa brevicompta) that were in flower in the vicinity of the newly dry creek beds of Kings Creek at Pilton. These flowers are huge compared to the similar small "Yellow Buttons"
(Chrysocephalum apiculatum) that we get at home.
Native Flat Billy-buttons (Leiocarpa brevicompta) in flower at Pilton Oct 14 |
Native Flat Billy-buttons (Leiocarpa brevicompta) |
Native Flat Billy-buttons (Leiocarpa brevicompta) |
Flowering Lomandra's are one of my favourite sights in spring. I was pleased to see that despite the drought and there were a few "Many-flowered Matrush" Lomandras
(Lomandra multiflora) in flower at Pilton.
Many-flowered Matrush Lomandras (Lomandra multiflora) at Pilton |
Pilton Valley - October 2014. |
INFORMATION SOURCES: Darling Pea (Swainsona queenslandica) identified with the informative article by Trish Gardner on these local native species.
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